March 2020

Welcome UWIN undergraduate research program researcher Matt, with Ben Choat and Aditi serving as Matt’s mentors.

Katie Knight successfully defended her MS thesis entitled “Assessing the Use of Dual-Drainage Modeling to Determine the Effects of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Networks on Events of Roadway Flooding”

Some recent publications from our group:

The Case for an Open Water Balance: Re‐envisioning Network Design and Data Analysis for a Complex, Uncertain World by Kampf et al. (2020) in Water Resources Research.

Stormwater control impacts on runoff volume and peak flow: A meta-analysis of watershed modeling studies by Bell et al. (2020) in Hydrological Processes.

Relationships between riparian evapotranspiration and groundwater depth along a semiarid irrigated river valley by Lurtz et al. (2020) in Hydrological Processes.


August 2020


March 2020